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Electronic Components Sourcing Service

Our Advantages

Electronic Components One-stop Service Supplier

We are committed to actively developing electronic components from various internationally renowned brands, providing customers with one-stop procurement solutions to meet the needs of customers in different fields.

Better at solving the difficult problem of purchasing unpopular ICs with 20 years of industry experience

We have a outsourcing center in Shenzhen and maintain cooperation with more than 200 domestic & overseas manufacturers. The core team members have more than 15 years of procurement experience and are skilled in solving obscure and difficult IC problems, providing you with a one-stop electronic components procurement solution.

Eliminate OEM replacement and guarantee genuine products from original factories

All products are genuine from original factories, eliminating the industry chaos of OEM repackaging, always obtaining products through legitimate channels.

Unique IC outsourcing guidance center and diversified products to meet your requirements

We have established an Outsourcing Guidance Center to provide free Q&A, solve selection problems, provide engineers with free samples, free trials, and free technical follow-up guidance service. Each order is provided with a dedicated procuring manager to give you an outsourcing plan within 30 minutes.

Inventory Management


Professional & intelligent central warehouse management system of 1,600m2 for electronic components, with online management, real-time inventory information, accurate inventory prediction, and the ability to scan barcodes to input data, improving delivery efficiency and accuracy.

Quality Control


Quality Assurance

ruizhi (4)pyv

100% genuine factory products

ruizhi (3)hen


12 (2)bbu

There's no best, only better

12 (1)tee

Focusing on quality today will lead to tomorrow's market