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What Are the Key Operating Principles and Technical Parameters for Post-Inkjet Curing on PCBs to Reduce Defects?

2024-08-22 09:01:01
PCB Inkjet Printing and Curing Processesed5

1.Operating Principles
oEquipment Preparation:
•Ensure the inkjet head and oven are clean and free from contaminants. Check all components are functioning properly.
•Adjust conveyor width to match PCB size for smooth passage.
oInkjet Process:
Select ink compatible with the PCB material and known for strong adhesion. Different PCB materials may require specific inks.
Optimize inkjet parameters such as pressure, speed, and ink amount based on ink properties and PCB surface conditions.
oCuring Process:
Set oven temperature and time accurately. Inadequate settings result in poor drying and adhesion, while excessive heat can damage the PCB.
Ensure even temperature distribution and proper ventilation in the oven to remove volatilized gases.
oPCB Conveyance:
•Maintain stable conveyor operation to avoid movement or collisions. Adjust speed, tension, and cleanliness accordingly.
2.Key Technical Parameters
oInkjet Pressure: Adjust pressure within a suitable range for even ink distribution without splashing.
oInkjet Speed: Align speed with production needs and text clarity. Avoid speeds that cause blurring or inefficiency.
oInk Amount: Control ink quantity to achieve clear and full text. Excessive ink can accumulate, while too little results in unclear text.
oOven Temperature: Base temperature on ink drying requirements and circuit PCB heat resistance to avoid damage.
oOven Time: Coordinate time with temperature to ensure thorough drying without wasting energy.
oConveyor Speed: Adjust according to production needs for smooth and efficient PCB transport.
By adhering to proper procedures, accurately adjusting technical parameters, and regularly maintaining equipment, defects in the inkjet printing and curing process on multilayer PCBs can be minimized. Consistent optimization and experience accumulation will further enhance production quality and efficiency.
5G Modules PCBg49
How to Evaluate the Inkjet Printing Quality on PCBs?
Evaluating the inkjet printing quality on PCBs (printed wiring boards) involves several key aspects:
1.Appearance Inspection
oClarity: Under appropriate lighting, inspect the clarity of the text with the naked eye or a magnifying glass. The edges should be sharp and clear without blurriness, ghosting, or smearing.
oIntegrity: Ensure the text is complete, with no missing, broken, or deformed characters. All characters should be fully visible without any missing parts.
oColor Uniformity: Check if the text color is consistent and even. There should be no noticeable spots or color variations. For specific color requirements, the text should match the standard color precisely.
oContrast: Evaluate the contrast between the text and the electronic PCB background. The text should maintain sufficient contrast to remain clearly visible under various lighting conditions.
2.Adhesion Testing
oTape Test: Apply tape to the text surface and quickly peel it off. Observe if any text peels away or if only the edges come off. Good adhesion means minimal or no peeling.
oCrosshatch Test: Score the text surface into 1mm x 1mm squares with a blade, apply and remove tape, and assess adhesion based on how many squares peel off. Typically, fewer than 5% of squares should detach.
oAbrasion Test: Rub the text surface with an abrasion tool (like an eraser or cloth) a set number of times and observe any wear or peeling. This simulates durability under actual use.
3.Chemical Resistance Testing
oSolvent Test: Immerse the multilayer PCB in a solvent (e.g., alcohol, acetone) for a set time, then check for discoloration, blurring, or peeling. This test evaluates resistance to common chemicals.
oCorrosive Test: For multilayer PCB manufacturing involving exposure to corrosive substances, perform a corrosive test. Expose the PCB to corrosive gases or liquids, then inspect the text.
4.Temperature Resistance Testing
oHigh-Temperature Test: Place the PCB in a high-temperature environment (e.g., oven) for a specified time, then check for discoloration, blurring, or peeling. This test assesses stability in high temperatures.
oLow-Temperature Test: Place the PCB in a low-temperature environment (e.g., refrigerator) for a set time, then inspect for cracking, discoloration, or blurring. This assesses adaptability to low temperatures.
5.Dimensional Measurement
oText Height and Width: Use measurement tools like calipers or a microscope to measure the text dimensions. Ensure the measurements meet design specifications without being too large or small.
oSpacing Measurement: Measure the spacing between characters and the distance from the text to the circuit board edges. The spacing should be uniform and meet design standards.
By following these methods, you can comprehensively evaluate the inkjet printing quality on board electronics. Ensure the text is clear, adheres well, resists chemicals and temperature variations, and meets size specifications. If issues arise, adjustments to the inkjet process and parameters can improve text quality.
5G Modulesg3a

What Causes Poor Inkjet Printing Quality on PCBs?
1.Ink Issues
oInk Quality:
•Poor adhesion leads to text peeling during subsequent processing or use.
Instability causing sedimentation or layering affects printing results.
Color inaccuracies result in deviations from design specifications.
oInk Compatibility:
Ink not compatible with circuit board materials affects adhesion.
Ink incompatible with inkjet equipment may cause clogging or uneven printing.
2.Equipment Issues
oInkjet Equipment Malfunctions:
Clogged Nozzle: Impurities or dried ink can clog the nozzle, leading to uneven or blocked printing.
Pressure Instability: Fluctuations in pressure impact text clarity and completeness.
Speed Issues: Incorrect speeds can cause blurring or inconsistent results.
oCalibration Problems:
Nozzle Position: Incorrect nozzle distance or angle affects printing quality.
Color Calibration: Poor calibration leads to color deviations.
3.PCB Surface Treatment
oSurface Cleanliness:
Contaminants like oil or dust reduce ink adhesion, resulting in poor quality.
Residual chemicals from previous processes may react with the ink.
oSurface Roughness:
Excessive roughness can cause uneven ink distribution, while overly smooth surfaces can hinder adhesion.
4.Environmental Factors
oTemperature and Humidity:
Extreme temperatures or humidity levels affect drying speed and adhesion, compromising quality.
Temperature changes can alter ink flow, impacting consistency.
oDust and Contaminants:
Dust in the work environment may settle on PCBs or enter the inkjet equipment, degrading printing quality.
5.Operational Factors
oOperator Skill:
Inexperience with inkjet equipment can lead to incorrect settings and poor results.
Lack of knowledge about ink properties and usage can also impact quality.
oProcess Adherence:
Deviations from correct surface treatment, inkjet printing, and curing procedures can reduce quality.
Insufficient curing time or temperature leads to inadequate ink drying and adhesion.