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Good news | Awarded the Beidou Intelligent Terminal Security Testing System V1.0 Patent


With the rapid development and widespread application of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, people's lives have been greatly facilitated. The Beidou Navigation Satellite System, as an independently developed satellite navigation system in China, has advantages such as global coverage, high precision, and high reliability. It has been widely used in fields such as transportation, logistics, agriculture, aerospace, etc. However, with the continuous deepening of the application for the BeiDou system, the requirements for the security and reliability of BeiDou intelligent terminals are also increasing. Therefore, the development of Rich Full Joy's "Beidou Intelligent Terminal Security Testing System V1.0" is aimed at improving the Beidou intelligent terminal security testing system, to ensure the stability and security of Beidou intelligent terminals in practical applications.

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Rich Full Joy Technical Solution

1.Using a BeiDou signal simulator to generate simulated BeiDou signals, the signal power divider is connected to the BeiDou signal simulator through a communication cabletoreceive the simulated BeiDou signals from the BeiDou signal simulator.

2.The signal generation module generates simulated BeiDou signals through the BeiDou signal simulator, and uses the analysis module to enable each tested BeiDou terminal to receive simulated BeiDou signals through a signal power divider for analysis, obtaining the analysis parameters.

3.The tested Beidou terminal is connected to the signal power divider through a communication cabletoreceive a simulated Beidou signal for analysis, and compares the analysis parameters with the original parameters of the simulated Beidou signal to obtain test results.

Rich Full Joy Innovative Points

1.By adopting advanced simulation technology and constructing a realistic testing environment, various complex environmental conditions can be simulated to more accurately evaluate the performance and security of BeiDou intelligent terminals.

2.Multidimensional testing techniques. This project designs multiple testing methods and processes based on different application scenarios and testing requirements to comprehensively test the various functions and performance indicators of the Beidou intelligent terminal.

3.This project adopts automated testing tools and technologies to achieve automated execution of the testing process and automatic collection of testing data, improving testing efficiency and accuracy.

4.This project uses big data analysis technology to deeply mine and analyze test data, identify potential security risks and performance bottleneckstoprovide strong support for product optimization and upgrading.

Issues addressed by Rich Full Joy

1.Solvedthe problem of signal blockage during application.

2.Addressedthe issue of inadequate vulnerability repair tracking mechanisms leading to increased security risks in the system.

3.Solvedthe problem of data leakage and tampering during transmission.

Expected Project Objectives of Rich Full Joy

1.Capable of resisting various electromagnetic interference and signal interference, ensuring the stability and accuracy of Beidou intelligent terminals in complex electromagnetic environments.

2.Be able toimprove data processing and analysis capabilities, ensuring that terminals can quickly and accurately process positioning information and navigation data.

3.Capable of running on different hardware and software platforms, compatible with existing technological systems, and able to adapt to future technological developments and chang